Though the government announced reduction of taxes to boost the market, the stock markets crashed after RBI placed restrictions on PMC bank, one of the five largest co-operative banks in the country.
Since the domain investor is a victim of NTRO/raw/cbi banking fraud for the last 10 years since 2010, it is likely that the PMC bank fraud is only the tip of the iceberg, since top government employees are openly involved in BANKING FRAUD
In the indian internet sector, google, tata are allegedly involved in BANKING FRAUD for the last 10 years to boost their corporate profits, ruthlessly cheating, exploiting and CRIMINALLY DEFAMING hardworking honest small business owners, yet no attempt is made to end the BANKING FRAUD
Category: Uncategorized
When Worldwide companies BUY BACK SHARES from investors, why is no one questioning google,tata on their domain, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION FRAUD on domain investors
Worldwide companies BUY BACK SHARES from investors when they do not want others to own the shares ,google, tata, refuse to pay the market price, only CRIMINALLY DEFAME domain investors to get goan CALL GIRLS, sunaina, siddhi,robbers,cheaters raw/cbi jobs in a shocking online fraud
Google, tata have got away with their work at home fraud, BANKING FRAUD for 10 years by CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the person doing computer work, falsely claiming that they do not have an office, so that the BANKING FRAUD, LIES of google, tata are justified.
However the domain investor would like to ask google, tata, that since people can invest in stocks at home without any problem at all in india, why only domain investors are subjected to FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD by google, tata, indian intelligence and security agencies if they work from home, and do not have any formal office
If a company wishes to purchase its shares from the other share holders, investors who acquired the shares legally, they give a BUY BACK offer and pay the investor the market price and get the shares legally transferred to their names
Similarly worldwide, if someone wishes to acquire a domain owned by someone else, they pay the market price and get the domain transferred to their name LEGALLY,
Only in india, google, tata are involved in BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD of CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the legal domain investor, and falsely claiming google, tata’s SEX SERVICE providers, robbers, cheaters and fraud raw/cbi employees, who are not spending any money on domains own the domains, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, the raw/cbi employees refuse to pay the market price yet FALSELY CLAIM to own the domains, get a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor
When Worldwide companies BUY BACK SHARES from investors, why is no one questioning google,tata on their domain, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION FRAUD, why these companies making millions of dollars in profit do not purchase the domains legally, make FAKE CLAIMS that call girls, robbers, cheaters
can google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi explain why STOCK BROKER RAW employee domain fraudster asmita patel, shows no domain expenses in her incometax returns filed in 2019
To avoid google, tata have already defamed her to avoid paying the goan PROSTITUTE RAW employee goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar for their SEX services and top officials like caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar, naik, hathwar, kodancha BRIBES from their company profit , the fraud companies google, tata are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor as a journalist and then falsely claiming that the raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi, sunaina chodan, asmita patel, indore housewife veena, nayanshree hathwar who do not spend any money on domains, are domain investors owning the domains of a private citizen
Income tax returns filed in 2019 will again legally prove that the raw/cbi employees especially thane stock broker gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, with straightened hair who do not spend any money on domain names, have no paypal income and no domain expenses at all, yet raw/cbi/ntro/google,tata continue to make fake claims in a clear indication of widespread corporate fraud in the indian internet sector
If ntro/raw/cbi/tata/google had any kind of honesty , they should have stopped their fraud immediately in 2015 itself when the income tax department made it mandatory to declare the bank accounts of a person in their income tax returns. When the domain investor does not falsely claim to own the bank account of other citizens, why are raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own the bank account of the domain investor, a private citizen to get a monthly salary at her expense.
NTRO/raw/cbi/security agencies, google, tata are quick to make fake allegations against the domain investor, can they explain why R&AW employee asmita patel and other raw/cbi employees are not showing any paypal income, domain expenses in their income tax returns, why is the google, tata, indian government PROPAGANDA machinery duping people, companies and countries with their FAKE CLAIMS of domain ownership, and criminally defaming the real domain investor as a journalist
The domain investor is forced to waste her time writing to expose the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, who made it extremely difficult to sell the domains at a fair price for the last 10 years.
A Party to Raise Morale
When I took over as general manager of a plant here in town, I knew that there were certain changes I wanted to make immediately. One of them was the morale of the workers. They did get small bonuses, but there was really no other appreciation for the work that they do on a daily basis. I decided to throw a company sponsored party with great food, better bonuses and party entertainment that would excite everyone, regardless of their age or gender. This was easier to plan than one might think, but only because I have used the same caterer and entertainment companies before.
Placing the catering order was easy because the meal I ordered had plenty of side dishes that people enjoy. Continue reading A Party to Raise Morale
Indian Stock markets crash further in September due to mismanagement
Many in their forties and older remember the financial crisis of 1991, how professors in top colleges could not help commenting on it in class, though it was not related to the engineering subject being taught
With security and intelligence agencies allowed to continue with their banking fraud on small business owners falsely claiming that tata supplied call girls like goan bhandari raw employee slim sunaina chodan offering sex services to government employees are business owners, owning this domain and business of the domain investor, the Indian stock markets have crashed further by more than 750 points .
Sales of Maruti Suzuki, india’s largest auto maker have also declined in August, since government employees are destroying hopes of a better future for most citizens making fake claims about google, tata supplied call girl raw/cbi employees like slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan
It appears that the indian economy is headed for a major economic crisis, which may be worse than 1991 crash.
There is a possibility that the indian economy may become like russia in 1991, when the soviet union broke up and millions of government employees in Soviet Union lost their jobs
A Tale of Two Investors
My cousin and I got into market investing around the same time. He did it because of a school project, and I did it out of curiosity. I wanted to see what all of the buzz around the market was about, and I had some extra money to put into it. There are lots of shares on the market to get, making my choice for which one would be my first investment harder than I expected. Out of the UK shares to buy, the ones that were related to copper looked like the best option.
My cousin went a different route with his investment choices. He was trying to chase after the tech companies that looked like they were on the rise. Continue reading A Tale of Two Investors
Stock market prices crash after VG Siddhartha’s death
Many indian companies are closely controlled with promoters who have a substantial stake. The promoters are also taking most of the decisions. So any problem of the promoter will adversely affect the company.
For example when the Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) VG Siddhartha died in mysterious circumstances, the prices of the shares of the companies he controlled like Cafe Coffee Day and Sical Logistics also crashed
Yet, most large companies have excellent systems in place, so they do not depend on the promoter
Like other investors, real stock market investors are sometimes making losses
One of the greatest frauds of ntro, raw, cbi is how they are falsely claiming that various google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives, document robbers, school dropouts and other frauds, who have not invested any money in domains, are domain investors to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke.
In all other sectors, like stock market, real estate, those who actually invest their hard earned money are considered INVESTORS, yet only in the indian internet sector,BRIBED by fraud companies like google, tata SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS, SCHOOL DROPOUTS AND OTHER FRAUDS who have not invested any money at all, are considered investors by the indian government and get a monthly salary at the expense of the real investor.
Investors are valued and respected because they are taking the risk of investing their money, when there is no guarantee that they will make a profit. So stock market investors may make a good profit in one year, yet the next year they will make a loss. The stock market investors are also working at home, yet the indian and state governments do not falsely claim that SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS, SCHOOL DROPOUTS AND OTHER FRAUDS who have not invested any money at all own their stock market portfolio
However, in the indian internet sector which beats the nigerian fraudsters in online fraud, FRAUD LEVELS are so high that google, tata have ensured that SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS, SCHOOL DROPOUTS AND OTHER FRAUDS who have not invested any money at all, are considered investors by the indian government and get a monthly salary at the expense of the real investor for the last 10 years with the top officials completely lacking in honesty and humanity to end the domain investment fraud.
Why are LIAR FRAUD PIMP google, tata employees not questioning stock broker R&AW employee liar asmita patel for her domain FINANCIAL fraud
For 9 years the LIAR FRAUD PIMP google, tata employees have mercilessly hounded the domain investor legally owning this website in multiple states, all her activities are closely monitored, she cannot even purchase biscuits of Rs 5 without being monitored
Yet these same companies are ignoring a financial fraud of more than Rs 40-50 lakh, when they refuse to question the stock broker R&AW employee liar asmita patel, why she is falsely claiming to own domains, including this one, when she is not paying any expenses, and does not CONTROL the domains
Why is the indian internet sector, companies and government, not asking the thane fraudster asmita patel to either legally purchase the domains or stop claiming to own the domains, which are legally owned and controlled by a harmless hardworking single woman engineer who is not connected to thane FRAUDSTER raw employee asmita patel in any way at all in 2019.
Why is the engineer who is legally owning the domains and controlling them expected to keep quiet when raw/cbi/ntro/state and central government are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her when they falsely claim that thane fraudster asmita patel and other raw/cbi employes who do not pay all domain expenses, own the domains of a private citizen.
No one falsely claims to own the domains of male domain investors in India, while is the engineer alone subjected to FINANCIAL FRAUD by the stockbroker and other raw/cbi employees who are supported by google, tata
Google, tata are supporting stock broker asmita patel in her online, financial fraud
In a clear indication of the complete lack of honesty and humanity of google, tata , these fraud companies are supporting and protecting the thane R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel, in her domain ownership FINANCIAL fraud for the last 6 years
These fraud companies are aware of the fact that the real domain investor is making very less money, and is struggling to make enough to pay daily expenses, she is working very long hours. Yet they do not have the honesty and humanity to ask the thane stock broker asmita patel to legally purchase the domains, which she falsely claims to own to get a raw salary or ask her to resign if she is not interested in domains.
This domain ownership fraud of asmita patel, who has powerful sugar daddies like mhow cheater puneet has continued for the last 6 years, yet google, tata are showing their complete lack of ethics in supporting the fraud stock broker in her domain ownership fraud