School dropouts, call girls, robbers and cheater raw/cbi employees do not falsely claim to own stock market investment, demat account of private citizens

A far larger number of people in india are investing in shares, stock market, mainly because the top officials are far more honest and have personal integrity compared to the fraud controlled indian internet sector.

One of the greatest frauds of google, tata is how for more than 10 years, these fraud companies have bribed the indian government to waste taxpayer money to falsely claim that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy inexperienced risk averse School dropouts, call girls, robbers and cheater raw/cbi employees do not falsely claim to own stock market investment, demat account of private citizens and get a monthly salary for making fake claims about the bank account of a private citizen

In the finance sector the rights of investors are well protected while in the indian internet sector, there is no transparency at all, and top officials are shamelessly and falsely claiming that their sugar babies, relatives and other bribe givers own the bank account of private citizens

Due to rampant financial fraud, many older citizens prefer to make money investing in stocks

In India, one of the reasons why unemployment is increasing is because experience and skills are no longer valued by the government. A few decades ago, older people were respected for their knowledge, experience and ability to train others.

In 2019, though the indian government has launched the Skill India program, the indian intelligence and security agency employees, especially in goa, refuse to acknowledge the skills and experience of older citizens and are allowed to waste indian taxpayer money to make fake claims about the skills of the call girls supplied to them by google, tata, school dropouts like naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, cheaters, robbers

These intelligence and security agency employees are ruthless in blocking the payment of older citizens, especially from customers in India wasting both their time and money. So instead of wasting time in doing work for which they will not be paid, many older citizens prefer to invest their money in stocks, where the system is largely automated and they can sell their investment anytime.

Unlike stock market investors, domain investors not allowed to maximize their returns

Indian citizens who are investing in domain names, are just like stock market investors, if they do not know anyone from the indian internet sector personally. They would like to get the best returns for their domain investment, or they will invest their hard earned money elsewhere where they get good returns
For example for the last few years, the domain investor has not got much money online, advertising has reduced, so she is not investing in any new domains, and is selling the domains slowly.

Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian intelligence and security agencies are involved in a massive financial fraud, identity theft of harmless indian paypal account holders, domain investors since 2010, in a clear example of double standards and human rights abuses
The domains are owned by private citizens, just like the stocks and shares of private citizens, who are not getting any kind of financial assistance from the indian or state government, yet crores of indian taxpayer money are wasted to mentally torture the domain investor using voice to skull technology and ensure that she does not develop any domain.

If the domain is not developed, there is no advertising sold, and the returns are negative, because ntro, raw, cbi are also blocking domain sales and do not have the humanity and honesty to ask their sex worker, call girl, fraud employees to legally purchase the domain name for more than 9 years since 2010, which these fraud employees are falsely claiming to own to get a monthly raw/cbi salary

The domain investor is expected to waste her time writing for customers to make some money, and then spend almost all the money she makes in renewing the domain names so that the lazy/greedy raw/cbi employees can falsely claim to own her domains and get a monthly salary without doing any work at all, while the domain investor is forced to work like a slave, in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY.

This government financial fraud on indian domain investors, makes stock market investing a more lucrative option for indian citizens

Source of stock market information for this website

Unlike the lazy greedy google, tata supplied INEXPERIENCED goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, school dropouts like naina chandan who looks actress sneha wagh, robbers veena, deepika blackmailers like ruchika king, and other frauds like the thane fraudster asmita patel raw/cbi employees , who are getting a monthly raw/cbi salary only for IMPERSONATING the domain investor, the real domain investor is an experienced engineer who actually worked for many years.

The indian government is paying only lip service to startup india, in reality it is involved in massive financial fraud, identity theft on small business owners, like the domain investor, and refuses to acknowledge the hard work, money they invest in their business and falsely claim that the business, domain belongs to the favorite SEX service providers of top indian government employees like the gujju school dropout naina chandan, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, relatives of liar intelligence and security agency employees and other bribe givers like indore robber veena

In 2019, the indian government is only willing to acknowledge the experience of the engineer, domain investor when she had a job , and continue with its great financial fraud of falsely claiming that the business belongs to lazy greedy robber raw/cbi employees, after ROBBING the memory, trade secrets of the domain investor for 9 years since 2010, without a legally valid reason.
Some of her ex-colleagues are investing in stocks, and they are the main source of information for this website, along with media reports, and other observations.

Indian, state Government financial fraud on domain investors is worse than any stock investing fraud

Many people invest in stocks and they may not make a profit, however they will not be forced to pay a large amount annually for holding the stocks, and no one falsely claims to own the stocks to get a monthly raw/cbi salary.
allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, the domain investor has been subjected to a brutal identity theft fraud, BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the state and central indian government since 2010.

She is spending a huge amount of her hard earned money on domain renewals annually, yet the indian and state government, especially the goan government refuses to acknowledge the money spent, and falsely claims that this domain and other domains belong to the various google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY on domain expenses, and do not control any domain including this one and pays all these domain fraudsters a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor who is broke

The domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time and money exposing the banking fraud

many indians invest in stocks at home, they are not subjected to identity theft like domain investors

Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian intelligence and security agencies are involved in a massive financial fraud, identity theft of harmless indian paypal account holders, domain investors since 2010, in a clear example of double standards and human rights abuses

There are millions of indians who are investing in stock, shares, from the comfort of their home, no one falsely claims to own their bank account, and the intelligence and security agency employees do not falsely label them as a security threat without any proof

On the other hand, allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, the domain investor has been subjected to a brutal identity theft fraud since 2010, with the indian and 5 state governments falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, gujju school dropouts like naina chandan who looks actress sneha wagh, robbers veena, deepika blackmailers like ruchika king, and other frauds like the thane fraudster asmita patel raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, own this and other domains to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

Stock investing strategies

A look at stock investing strategies of various individuals, companies , mutual funds. Also a look at the double standards and FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD of the indian and 5 state governments on the domain investor, a private citizen, how the state governments are allegedly falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,cheater housewives, school dropouts like naina chandan, robbers veena, deepika blackmailers like ruchika king, and other frauds like the thane fraudster asmita patel, raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, own this and other domains to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor who is broke.

Domains were purchased like stocks

One of the greatest problems faced by domain investors in India, is that the intelligence and security agencies do not understand the fact that domains were only purchased as an investment, not because the person was interested in the topic
just like stocks are purchased for the dividend and resale value, the domains were only purchased for online dividend (advertising revenues) and resale value, not because the domain investor was very interested in the topic
Resale value of this and other long domains is fairly low, so the advertising revenue was the main consideration