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Swing trading

Swing trading stands in between day trading where a trader buys and sells on one day and long-term investment where an investor buys and holds stocks for years. Swing trading involves buying a stock and holding it for more than one trading session. More information about day trading can be found here. A trader can hold a position for a few days, weeks, or months. The main idea of swing trading is to capture a sequence of price moves. Swing trading is less time-consuming.

when no one falsely claims to own the stock portfolio of greedy gujju stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel why is she falsely claiming to own domain portfolio of goa 1989 jee topper

India officially claims that all citizens are equal yet in reality wealthy powerful communities like the gujju, sindhi, goan, shivalli brahmin communities are extremely ruthless and shameless in cheating, robbing and exploiting people, making fake claims about the bank account, domains, resume of experienced single women engineers from poorer communities allegedly supported by google, tata, indian internet companies in this domain ownership fraud
India’s top online fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel is a very experienced stock investor, she has a large stock portfolio of at least Rs 40-50 lakh shares, no one falsely claims to own the shares and gets raw/cbi jobs
The goa 1989 jee topper is a single woman engineer, who has invested a large amount of money in domains, Rs 4-5 lakh annually, alone, no ntro/raw/cbi employees especially mhow monster puneet, have paid any money for the domains. Yet in a clear case of financial fraud, the indian and 5 state governments are falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees like asmita patel, who do not spend any money for domains, own the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper,a private citizen
So before ntro, raw, cbi complain about the website content, they should explain why the indian government is falsely claiming that its well paid employees like asmita patel, who do not spend money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, the goa 1989 jee topper criminally defaming her in the process, adversely affecting her revenues for the last ten years.


Though greedy gujju R&AW fraudster stock broker asmita patel has never invested in domains, CIA got her a R&AW job, promoting her to help google destroy competition

The greedy thane bania fraud R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel is only focussing on her stock trading, training business, she is least interested in investing any money online in domains, websites though CIA, google, tata, brahmin ntro employee puneet got her a R&AW job falsely claiming that gujju fraudster owned the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman kshatriya engineer,who alone is spending Rs 4-5 lakh annually on domain renewals

yet indicating a massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, the indian internet sector, google, tata are allegedly supporting her in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that the gujju fraudster owns the domains, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper, to get the gujju fraudster a monthly raw salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, a google competitor , as part of CIA strategy to destroy competition for google in India

Indicating the worsening status of hardworking educated women in India, allegedly bribed by google, tata, indian and state governments like the goa, karnataka, maharashtra, haryana, madhya pradesh government are ruthless in their financial fraud on hardworking single women like goa 1989 jee topper , falsely claiming that their resume, savings, assets including domains, bank account belongs to well paid brahmin, bania ntro/raw employees who HATE them,and the girlfriends, associates of these raw/ntro employees like the goa robber queen riddhi nayak caro, indore robber deepika, asmita patel
These fraud LIAR raw/ntro employees like mhow monster puneet have never contacted the kshatriya single woman engineer, the goa 1989 jee topper, and their girlfriends, associates are also not on talking terms with the goa 1989 jee topper and CRIMINALLY DEFAME her

Yet just because the fraud greedy cunning LIAR raw/ntro employees like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh,vijay are excellent actors, LIARS misusing the name of the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATE since 2010, the indian and state governments are making fake claims about the paypal, bank account, domains, savings, resume which legally belongs to the goa 1989 jee topper who has spent her time working for it to get the fraud girlfriends, associates, raw/cbi salaries without doing any kind of computer work, while criminally defaming the real domain investor in the worst manner.

Domains are not free costing Rs 4-5 lakh annually on renewals, the goa 1989 jee topper has saved money by spending her time, working for companies, clients while the google, tata sponsored call girl goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi are focus on their non-internet business,robber cheater housewife are only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, fraud raw/cbi employees are doing other work, like the greedy gujju fraudster asmita patel is spending her time and money on her stock broking business , the well paid LIAR brahmin ntro, raw employees puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh are also not spending any money on domain renewals at all

The CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the 5 LIAR state governments in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, haryana, madhya pradesh government, indian government has adversely affected the advertising revenues, domain sales, forcing the goa 1989 jee topper , yet when she complains about the FINANCIAL FRAUD of the state governments she is falsely labelled a security threat

when bania fraud R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel, does not spend rs 4-5 lakh on domain names annually, why are google, tata supporting the greedy gujju fraudster in her domain ownership fraud on goa 1989 jee topper

after her Rs 10 lakh annual fraud since 2013 SHAMELESS greedy gujju R&AW employee FRAUD stock broker asmita patel also wants FREE content for IPO website

Though IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian internet and tech companies are aware that their favorite SHAMELESS greedy gujju R&AW employee FRAUD stock broker asmita patel, her fraud boyfriends like mhow monster ntro employee puneet, other raw/cbi employees are not paying any money for domains, have no online income, only to help fraud companies like google destroy competition, the fraud indian tech and internet companies are falsely claiming that various fraud raw/cbi employees like indores robber housewife deepika, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper

with google,tata, indian internet and tech companies, the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college supporting india’s top fraud R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel in her Rs 10 lakh annual domain ownership fraud, the SHAMELESS GREEDY asmita patel has become even more greedy and shameless in her online fraud always wanting everything for free ffddcdxcdf

Because of ntro, raw, cbi financial, ICANN fraud on the domain investor, she is making very less money, so she wanted to sell guest posts. Yet despite cheating the domain investor of Rs 10 lakh annually with her domain fraud, greedy shameless cheater asmita patel does not even want to pay for content, she wants the domain investor to also update the content for free, so that she can falsely claim credit and make more money

Updating content is not free, it is taking a lot of time and money, and despite her google, tata sponsored Rs 10 lakh annual fraud on the domain investor, the greedy R&AW employee animal asmita got the blog rejected, since she wants the content also for free

Inspired by greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel, gujarat based zet technology allegedly extorting money

Though the greatest gujju online fraudster bania R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel in history has never invested any money online in her life, and never made any money online from customers outside india, since 2013 the greedy gujju fraudster asmita patel has got a monthly raw salary at the expense of the kshatriya real domain investor, paypal account holder, a single woman engineer, only by MAKING FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any proof at all against the real domain investor, threatening fake cases, and HONEYTRAPPING the fraud liar ntro/raw employees who are DUPING companies, countries and people with their lies about greedy gujju scammer asmita patel for 7 years
the indian tech and internet companies led by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google are so devoid of honesty, humanity and integrity that they are supporting the greatest gujju online fraudster bania R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel in her domain ownership, paypal, bank account fraud
The great success of the greatest gujju online fraudster bania R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel for the last 7 years has inspired a huge number of business, especially gujarati who are also extorting money for making very small mistakes or finding non-existent mistakes
The latest gujju business allegedly following the footsteps of the inspiration greatest gujju online fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel is Zet Technology, 32, Shivansh Colony, Kotda. District Sarkhadi, Gujarat
They are demanding Rs 6900 from indian citizens who were registered at the website, or a case costing Rs 1.5 lakh will be filed
Source: Complaint filed by Joel Kuttiyil on consumercomplaints

Greedy gujju DATA ROBBER FRAUD STOCK BROKER R&AW employee asmita patel inspires many indian companies to exploit,cheat others

Though the SHAMELESS google sponsored thane Greedy gujju DATA ROBBER FRAUD STOCK BROKER R&AW employee asmita patel has never invested any money in domains in her life and is least interested in doing so , india’s top fraud gujju stockbroker cheater asmita patel is getting a monthly raw salary for FAKING domain ownership only because the greedy gujju fraud and her liar patel associates are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor, finding fault in her

Only finding faults, criminally defaming the real domain investor has become extremely profitable for thane’s top cheater asmita patel, she is making a profit of Rs 10 lakh annually, since fraud asmita patel does not spend Rs 4-5 lakh on domain renewals annually, yet is getting a raw salary of more than Rs 5 lakh annually only for ROBBING DATA, making FAKE CLAIMS that she owns domains including this one with her fraud news since 2013

The fraud R&AW employee asmita patel is supported by LIAR RAW/NTRO employees from the btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college led by mhow monster puneet , patel which is falsely claiming that asmita patel, robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmates in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the real classmate , the domain investor, owning and paying for this and other websites/

The indian government policy of rewarding DATA THEFT, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector has inspired a large number of others like
Orian technology
Nat enterprises
Golden enterprises
PRC solution
Rey Technology
UTS solutions
Work Novatech enterprises
VR enterprises
Xylem technology
Viz technology
HS enterprises
PG technology

So if anyone is getting money demands from these companies, please contact gujju fraud stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel, since she is the inspiration for all these companies, or google ceo sundar pichai since google is openly supporting fraud asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees in their domain ownership, online fraud since 2010,
Many of these companies are based in gujarat, since india’s top domain fraudster asmita patel is a gujju
Any political party raising this issue can also contact on info@blogposts.in

Greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel has many LOYAL DOGS in indian internet sector, making FAKE CLAIMS about her

The google, tata sponsored greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel has never invested any money in domains, and is least interested in doing so in future also since she has no experience, does not want to take any risk at all, she is only investing in stocks though she got a raw job for faking domain ownership in 2013.

Yet in a massive FINANCIAL, ICANN, ONLINE FRAUD, LIAR ntro/raw employees, indian internet companies are like greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel’s loyal dogs making fake claims about domains paid for and controlled by a private citizen, single woman domain investor, so that the greedy gujju fraudster gets a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
The indian government is also involved in the fraud, making fake claims about the greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel, while denying the real domain investor, the income and opportunities she deserves, adversely affecting advertising and domain sales.

So this is posted as a FRAUD ALERT, so that domain investors, companies and countries are not DUPED by the indian government FALSE PROPAGANDA about the greedy gujju stock broker raw employee asmita patel and other frauds like goan bhandari sunaina chodan

Income tax returns will expose the FINANCIAL,ONLINE FRAUD of india’s top fraud stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel

Paypal is finding it difficult to grow because R&AW/cbi are falsely claiming that well connected google,tata sponsored frauds,with no online,paypal income are online experts,domain investors to give allthese frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor,paypal acount holder who is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner
Indicating that the indian internet sector officials,companies are worse than nigerian fraudsters,they continue to make fake claims for the last ten years,while criminally defaming the real domain investor as uneducated,robbing all her correspondence.
Income tax returns will LEGALLY PROVE that india’s top fraud stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership have no online income,no online investment at all,yet google,tata,ntro,raw,cbi continue with the world’sgreatest FINANCIAL,PAYPAL,DOMAIN FRAUD making fake claims about asmita patel,robber riddhi nayak caro,goan bhandari sunaina chodan,and other fraud raw/cbi employees

India’s top FRAUD stock broker greedy gujju R&AW employee asmita patel and her gang hacking the computers of goa 1989 jee topper for more than 7 years to get R&AW salary.

Though India’s top FRAUD stock broker google, tata sponsored greedy gujju R&AW employee asmita patel is making Rs 25 lakh or more annually, yet she does not have the honesty and humanity to pay for the domains, and get them legally transferred in her name. Instead the greedy gujju asmita patel and her gang of patels are openly involved in CYBERCRIME, hacking the computers of goa 1989 jee topper for more than 7 years to get monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the single woman domain investor,engineer .
The domain investor is finding that some of her transactions are being completed, opening the browser is taking a lot of time
The stolen data is then being used by the greedy gujju/sindhi gang to make fake claims of computer work.,

India’s top FRAUD stock broker GREEDY gujju R&AW employee asmita patel has no paypal income, yet ntro, raw, cbi make FAKE CLAIMS

Instead of referral programs, paypal should end the google, tata COMPUTER WORK FRAUD on indian paypal account holders. For example, India’s top FRAUD stock broker GREEDY gujju R&AW employee asmita patel has no paypal income, yet ntro, raw, cbi make FAKE CLAIMS about the shameless gujju fraudster to get her great powers, monthly salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder

Paypal is realizing that the indian market will not grow fast, compared to the international market since most countries have recovered from the pandemic. Yet indian citizens find it risky to open a paypal business account, because of the indian security agencies COMPUTER WORK, BANKING FRAUD on them allegedly BRIBED by google, tata since 2010
For example in panaji, goa , the domain investor is victim of the goa government BANKING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD since 2012 with the LIAR goa government, security agencies committing CYBERCRIME, stealing her data and then falsely claiming that the LAZY GREEDY relatives of the security agencies like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , siddhi mandrekar, BRIBE GIVERS like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, asmita patel, ruchika kinge who do no computer work, own the domains, paypal, bank account in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD to get all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS

In most other sectors, the top companies have the humanity and honesty to recognize the skilled experienced professionals who are spending their time and investing money, only in the indian internet sector , DISHONEST GREEDY UNETHICAL companies like google, tata, are taking great PRIDE in commiting BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD on domain investors, indian paypal account holders, BRIBING FRAUD LIAR security agencies to make fake claims about call girls, robber, cheater housewives, school dropouts and other frauds, who are role models for google, tata

Due to fraud of the greedy unethical indian tech and internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi, some indian paypal account holders are denied a life of dignity since the indian and state governments refuse to acknowledge the computer work they do, the money they invest. Since there is no one in india , who will help the hardworking honest indian paypal account holders who are CHEATED, EXPLOITED by ntro, raw, cbi, no one is interested in opening a paypal account, they will prefer doing manual labor under the REGA

Making money online is very time consuming, the google, tata sponsored LAZY FRAUD raw/cbi employees are least interested in doing any kind of computer work, rely on fraud R&AW/ntro employees to continue with their CYBERCRIME, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, FAKE paypal account ownership. If they wish to honest earn money there are many options like http://freeearning.net/serpclix.html . yet SECTION 420 FRAUD GREEDY LIAR ntro, raw, cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro are least interested in opening their own Paypal account LEGALLY continue with their paypal fraud supported by sundar pichai led google, tata since 2010

Till paypal persuades google, tata to end its COMPUTER WORK FRAUD on indian paypal account holders, few will be interested in opening their own paypal account, everyone will try to emulate the PAYPAL FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees who get monthly government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS of owning a paypal, bank account after committing CYBERCRIME