Indicating that the government is directly responsible for the worsening status of educated women, government agencies,.tech and internet companies are criminally defaming a hardworking older single woman engineer, closely monitoring all her computer activities and falsely claiming that high status greedy fraud housewives spending their time cooking, cleaning for crooked husbands are doing the computer work, to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman engineer
In goa, the internet connection is very slow, just to place one order at HDFCsec, it will take ten minutes on some days, the endless NTRO hacking makes the computer very slow. The cursor will take one minute to move from one point on the screen to the other. Yet indicating the lack of humanity of the government agencies especially in panaji goa, they refuse to acknowledge the time which the single woman is spending to place the orders, and falsely claim that school dropouts and other fraud housewives, call girls, who are actually spending their time COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husbands are doing the computer work
This exposes the lack of honesty and humanity of the high status respectable government, tata, google employees when their favorite scammer housewives and other frauds are spending their time in the kitchen, cooking for crooked husbands, why are government agencies falsely claiming that these cheater housewife raw/cbi employees are sitting in front of the computer doing computer work, like placing orders at HDFCsec in the never ending government FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations since 2010