A far larger number of people in india are investing in shares, stock market, mainly because the top officials are far more honest and have personal integrity compared to the fraud controlled indian internet sector.
One of the greatest frauds of google, tata is how for more than 10 years, these fraud companies have bribed the indian government to waste taxpayer money to falsely claim that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy inexperienced risk averse School dropouts, call girls, robbers and cheater raw/cbi employees do not falsely claim to own stock market investment, demat account of private citizens and get a monthly salary for making fake claims about the bank account of a private citizen
In the finance sector the rights of investors are well protected while in the indian internet sector, there is no transparency at all, and top officials are shamelessly and falsely claiming that their sugar babies, relatives and other bribe givers own the bank account of private citizens